You Don't Have a Business Blog & It's Costing You

Inbound Marketing, Website, Strategy, Creativity

Whether your business doesn't have a business blog at all or does have a business blog that's poorly maintained, this piece is for you. Blogging is an extremely valuable tool that too many businesses are NOT using. If you're in an industry where none of your competitors are blogging, that's even more of a reason to get started

Why Blog? 

Business owners tend to think no one would read their blog, even if they did have one. It's simply not the case. Regardless of industry, someone out there is looking for the information and expertise you hold in that brain of yours. And yes, business blogs work

You Don't Have a Business Blog & It's Costing YouWhen was the last time you Googled something? Like, eight minutes ago? Me too. And when you did, did you find some great content that answered your questions or pointed you to the right resource? I bet you did, and I bet it was a blog that got you there.

That's how blogging works. Your target audience has questions, and blogging is your opportunity to answer those questions and start building a relationship with them. 

Once you have a relationship with your target audience, they develop trust in your brand. By sharing your thoughts, ideas, and expertise, you create an environment where people will want to hear from you - an environment where people will want to buy your products and/or services. Think of it this way: every blog you write is another opportunity for someone behind a keyboard and screen to find you. 


Keep Blogging for Business

If your business blog hasn't published anything new since October of 2015, you need to give some attention where attention is due. A poorly maintained blog can be just as damaging to your representation than no blog at all. I can't even count the number of business websites I've come across where "Welcome to Our New Blog" is the one and only post they've published. Do not be this company. 

Instead, come up with a realistic timetable for blogging and stick to it. You don't need to give it a ton of your time. Posting just one or two times a week or month can still build up to a lot of web content over a pretty short period of time. Plus, regular posting will help you rank in website searches and be more easily found by your target audience. 


In summary, if you don't have a blog, start one. If you do have a blog, keep blogging. If you encounter the same questions from customers over and over, write a blog about it. If you celebrate a win with your team, blog about it. If you don't think anyone would read your business blog, shift your perspective and start typing. 

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