What You Need to Know: An Inbound Marketing Infographic

Inbound Marketing

When we say everything is inbound, we mean it, and that can be hard to demonstrate to someone who is just starting to wrap their brain around the inbound methodology. You don’t know what you don’t know – that’s a simple fact of life. Also – many of our client partners start out not knowing much (if anything) about inbound.  "What is inbound marketing?" is a common first question a potential new client will ask. So, if your goal is increased revenue, great. But there are many steps to get there - like increasing traffic to your website. The right traffic. The steps to reach your goals are all part of the inbound methodology.

The four stages of the inbound methodology are Attract, Convert, Close, Delight. Each stage has necessary components, and they should happen in conjunction with that next stage. Think of inbound marketing in the traditional sense of sales. You have just met someone at the coffee shop. You make generic small talk about your coffee orders, very surface-level. Then, you immediately ask this new acquaintance of yours to buy your product, whether it’s carpet or life insurance or a new boat. Does this kind of marketing and sales make sense in that scenario? Of course not. You don’t even know if they need new carpet, insurance, or boats. This stranger doesn’t trust you yet; they don’t even know who you are.

If this is still murky, consider the following inbound marketing infographic. You have a product or service that solves a problem. You know people are looking for a solution. But, you can’t just come right out and ask them to buy. You have to trust the inbound methodology, and take those baby steps from one stage to the next.

Here's what you need to know about inbound marketing: 

 What You Need to Know: An Inbound Marketing Infographic


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