Recipe for Success: Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing

Before I started my gig at Leighton Interactive, I was confident in my knowledge about marketing. I had the basics covered. I knew who would benefit from the products/services in the industry, brand promotion, the best way to reach the target market, and had an understanding of what set brands apart from the competition. Or, so I thought. 


Selecting the Recipe

The traditional marketing approach I was using was working, but it wasn't effective. I found myself spinning in circles, trying new things, implementing ideas, and was grasping for anything that would stick. Anyone who would listen. Anyone. It was challenging; it was exhausting. I knew there had to be a better way, a more efficient way. And then, I found it.

A girlfriend suggested I check out HubSpot and get inbound certified. Huh? So, to Google I went. In the midst of my excitement, there was hesitation. The uneasy feeling of something new. But, then I got caught up in the training videos, digesting the information, and was eager to apply the principles. The simplistic approach was something I could understand and get on board with. It made sense. I was ready to get to work on the bite-sized nuggets of information. So, that's precisely what I did.

recipeforsuccessingredientsthatmatter.jpgBut, low and behold, as life sneaks in and provides unexpected openings, I found myself filling out an online job application for Leighton Interactive. Say whaaaaaat? Just when I was going to start planning and executing this riveting marketing approach in my current position, a new opportunity was knocking. An opportunity that landed at precisely the right time in my life. And as fate, luck, or whatever you want to call it, would have it, the option to perform this newly discovered way of marketing landed smack dab in the middle of my already comfortable career. 

I began marinating the idea of a j-o-b change. The "pros" and "cons" list started generating. Questions like, "If not now, when?", "YOLO", "What if (fill in the blank)?" It's normal to undertake those feelings of uncertainty. It's also really powerful and brave to take action on something you feel compelled and pulled to do. The enthusiasm far out weighed complacency, the joy over fear, and determination trampled doubt. I've learned more about myself in this process, which is something I never imagined possible. 

And as you're reading this, it's evident that I went for it. Taking on a brand spanking new (to me) way of marketing and embracing everything that comes with it. The reassurance came within the first few weeks as an inbound marketer. Signs that this is the way. Curating old ways of thinking with the new. Marketing isn't a "black art". With a little bit of effort it's entirely possible to learn new methods and implement a new approach. I'm living proof. 


Ingredients That Matter

Although the ingredients are basic, they are incredibly important. The best part is there is no hard and fast rule that must be followed with inbound marketing. As the needs of clients change, so do the criteria. There are those clients who are very hands on, in the nitty-gritty, and crave involvement with everything and the kitchen sink. And then there are those clients who say "just do your thing". The best part?recipeforsuccessingredients.jpg

There's success to be found in both approaches. In my short time as an inbound marketer, I've found a combination of these seven characteristics to be essential:

  • Partnership
  • Trust
  • Authenticity
  • Belief
  • Innovation
  • Vision
  • Vulnerability

These components go beyond the recipe card.  There's individuality and personality behind each one, yielding endless serving sizes of content. Mixing all of the right ingredients together, folding in others where appropriate, and including a little extra dash here and there is what makes this a unique approach to marketing. A style I've welcomed coming out of the oven, baked at the proper temp, and with complete confidence. This recipe is a mainstay.


The Secret Sauce

Can I let you in on a little ditty? The secret sauce to inbound marketing is available to those who want the recipe. If you're craving making a difference, a significant impact, and delivering results, this is where it's at.

According to HubSpot, "Inbound marketing is about using marketing to bring potential customers to you, rather than having your marketing efforts fight for their attention. Sharing is caring and inbound marketing is about creating and sharing content with the world. By creating content specifically designed to appeal to your dream customers, inbound attracts qualified prospects to your business and keeps them coming back for more." And that statement, my friends, is what gets me excited to get out of bed Monday - Friday to do work. Work that matters. Work that delivers. Work that makes a difference.

The four marketing actions of the inbound methodology outlined below are the new fundamentals that I'm building upon:


It wasn't until I discovered inbound marketing that my world became forever changed. I had a light bulb moment where I asked myself "where has this been all my life?". Yep, that good. The older I get, the more I appreciate the simplicity of life. I'm a task orientated, people loving, computer savvy person. When I realized there was a way for me to balance this all, I started singing praises. And, if you know me, I literally did an air fist pump and hollered a #boomshakalaka without any shame.

The road to this discovery has taken me on one heck of a ride, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It's an indescribable feeling to be part of an agency that values marketing in a modern way. A way that makes sense, sets our work apart from the rest, dares to be different, and has a ton of fun in the process. Our strategy at Leighton Interactive is more about people, and less about everything else.

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