Manufacturers: Protect Your Hiring Team’s Time by Leveraging Technology

Manufacturers- Protect Your Hiring Team’s Time by Leveraging Technology

Turnover is Expensive. Attract the Right People and Keep Them.

We all know that the time and expense associated with onboarding team members can be extraordinary. How do you make sure those valuable dollars don’t go to waste? By retaining the talent, of course. 

Think about the experiences within your own career. What have companies done to earn your loyalty? What have others done to motivate you to leave? The likely answer is this: The companies that inspired you to work hard and stick around were the ones that offered support and gave you the tools to succeed. 

According to research done by PayScale:


Pew Research states: 30% of American workers say their job is “just a job to get them by.” You have to find ways to get your employees out of this “it’s just a job” mindset and into the, “this is my career and future” mindset.

This involves an effective recruitment process, smooth onboarding procedures, and a dedication to ongoing employee satisfaction. 

Streamline Recruitment and Onboarding With Technology

Managing a recruitment pipeline can be time-consuming. Especially for employers who cycle through a dozen applicants a week or more. Managing the process manually can result in hours of productivity lost. 

A solution we’ve helped many clients implement is leveraging a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool and customizing to the recruitment process. While traditionally used for customer and prospect management, there are a number of tools, like the HubSpot CRM or Salesforce, that can be tailored to the recruitment and hiring process. Here are the benefits of using a CRM to automate your recruitment process:

  • You can customize “deal stages” to reflect “recruitment stages” instead
  • You can automate some of the steps. I.e. if an applicant fills out a form, they are automatically entered into the database. If they provide additional required information, they are moved to the next step. If they make it past the first interview, emails can be automatically sent when the candidate is moved to the next stage. 
  • If you have multiple layers of interviews that pull in different groups of people, you can know with certainty when to pull in the right people based on which stage the candidate is in.
  • You can collect all relevant information in one spot about a candidate, which optimizes the cross-team sharing 
  • You can use this as a place to capture candidates that were good but maybe not the right fit now to go back to if other positions open and candidates are a fit
  • You have access to closed-loop reporting. Where did the candidates come into the funnel? Did they come from a social post? This will help you refine your tactics and only focus on the ones worthwhile.

Need help setting up a CRM for recruitment? Let us help.


These points scratch the surface of what can be accomplished to amplify your manufacturing recruitment and retention efforts. If you’re looking for key insights and actionable advice, check out our full feature resource: Master Guide to Recruitment & Retention in the Manufacturing Sector

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